Not every child easily gleans knowledge and becomes excited to learn through textbooks. I was such a student. However, retention came more easily to me when my senses were filled with sights, sounds, and textures. Hands-on experiences are not only how many of us learn, but also what excites, inspires, and stirs our hearts. This is why I began Realm of the Reptile over 20 years ago. Since then, I’ve honed my theatrical skills, graduated with a B.A. in biology, and have been featured on the Discovery Channel as a “Snake Expert.” I believe that people should NEVER lose their sense of WONDER and CURIOSITY. My ambition is to help children keep that “child-like sense of wonder,” and to help teens and adults to re-ignite that “eyes wide open” view of the natural realm. I firmly believe that “the wonder-filled life is a wonderful life”. I’m looking forward to meeting you at your home, your school, your conference, your college, or anywhere that lacks an extra “punch” of joy. Much love. Spread Wonder!!